One Ideal Client Away Challenge

Join Darrell Amy for the One Ideal Client Away Challenge,
April 10-14


Three Q4 Rocks To Accelerate Your Business Into 2025

Three Q4 Rocks To Accelerate Your Business Into 2025

As Q4 approaches, it’s time to start thinking ahead to the new year and setting goals that will accelerate your business into 2025. The fourth quarter is the perfect time to lay the groundwork for suc... ...more

Sales ,Innovation &Valuation

September 10, 20243 min read

Shift From One Visionary to an Entrepreneurial Culture

Shift From One Visionary to an Entrepreneurial Culture

This article explores the transition from a founder-driven company to an innovation-driven culture. Learn how to empower employees, establish Value Creation Councils, and celebrate wins to reduce foun... ...more

Innovation ,Valuation &founder-independence

August 26, 20243 min read

From Founder-Dependence To Structured Leadership

From Founder-Dependence To Structured Leadership

Founder dependence is the single greatest threat to a company's value. When potential buyers notice that essential operations are tied to the founder, they often lower their offers to mitigate risk, e... ...more

Innovation ,Exit Planning Valuation &founder-independence

August 13, 20245 min read

Transform Your Company: Ten Smart Moves To Maximize Enterprise Value

Transform Your Company: Ten Smart Moves To Maximize Enterprise Value

Enterprise valuation is fascinating because it can be actively created. Unlike the arduous task of growing revenue, cash flow, and profit, enterprise value can be achieved through smart, strategic wor... ...more

Innovation ,Valuation

August 05, 20246 min read

Understanding Buyer Motivation: The Key to Enhancing Your Company’s Valuation

Understanding Buyer Motivation: The Key to Enhancing Your Company’s Valuation

In this article, we will explore different reasons someone might buy a company. These reasons span a spectrum of value, from low valuation to high valuation. Smart owners understand this and begin wor... ...more

Innovation ,Valuation

July 22, 20244 min read

Valuation as The Key Metric for Stewardship

Valuation as The Key Metric for Stewardship

Stewardship in business isn't just about managing wealth—it's about creating and distributing value. Learn how focusing on value creation drives growth, enhances customer experiences, and supports imp... ...more

Strategy ,Innovation

June 17, 20245 min read

How Any Business Can Create Exponential Valuation Growth

How Any Business Can Create Exponential Valuation Growth

If you had the choice between flat, linear growth and exponential growth for the valuation of your business, which would you choose? What if the path to exponential value growth ended up creating a bu... ...more

Strategy ,Innovation Valuation &founder-independence

June 10, 20244 min read

Three Steps To Create the Entrepreneurial Culture You’ve Always Wanted in Your Midmarket Business

Three Steps To Create the Entrepreneurial Culture You’ve Always Wanted in Your Midmarket Business

Over the years I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve heard a midmarket business owner complain, “I wish my employees were more entrepreneurial!” If that’s you, what are you going to do about it... ...more

Strategy ,Innovation &founder-independence

June 03, 20244 min read

Why Value Is the Most Important Metric Every Business Should Track

Why Value Is the Most Important Metric Every Business Should Track

As we head into June with third quarter planning right around the corner, I want to propose a scorecard metric for leadership teams: hashtag#value. In this article, I answer three questions: 1. Why i... ...more

Strategy ,Innovation Valuation &founder-independence

May 28, 20243 min read

A Smart Path To +1X, 2X, 3X EBITDA (or more) For Your Business

A Smart Path To +1X, 2X, 3X EBITDA (or more) For Your Business

How do you increase the valuation of a business? It all comes down to what a buyer is willing to pay. EBITDA is what it is. The question is, "What multiple on EBITDA would a buyer be willing to pay?"... ...more

Strategy ,Innovation &founder-independence

April 22, 20243 min read

Visionary Inspiration vs. Intentional Innovation

Visionary Inspiration vs. Intentional Innovation

Every business needs a great visionary. I believe that businesses also need an innovation team. In this article, I explore the differences between the two as well as how they can work together. ...more


April 15, 20244 min read

The High Cost of Self Implementation

The High Cost of Self Implementation

This morning I'm thinking about golf. Years ago, when I started playing golf, I wish I'd hired a coach. But, it was too cheap. I reasoned that I didn't have the time. So, I tried to teach myself. You... ...more

Strategy ,Innovation

April 08, 20245 min read

The Crucial Difference Between a Visionary Founder and an Innovative Culture.

The Crucial Difference Between a Visionary Founder and an Innovative Culture.

This morning I’m thinking about the differences between a company that relies on one person for innovation vs. a company that has developed an innovative culture. ...more

Strategy ,Innovation

April 01, 20243 min read

Founder-Dependence is a Two-sided Coin

Founder-Dependence is a Two-sided Coin

Traditional solutions to the founder-dependence problem include implementing a business operating system and ensuring processes are documented with SOPs. While these are certainly important, many comp... ...more

Strategy ,Innovation Exit Planning &founder-independence

March 26, 20244 min read

Innovate or Stagnate: The Critical Path for Midmarket Value Growth

Innovate or Stagnate: The Critical Path for Midmarket Value Growth

Startup companies innovate — or they die. Fortune 500 companies have entire innovation teams. In between startups and enterprise companies, there is an innovation desert. Sadly, most established midm... ...more

Innovation ,Exit Planning

March 25, 20245 min read

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