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Maximizing Growth in 2023: Focusing on the Total Number of Clients and Revenue per Client

December 22, 20222 min read

It's important for businesses of all sizes to set revenue growth goals, as these targets can help guide decision-making, allocate resources, and measure progress. However, setting the right goals can be difficult, as it involves forecasting future performance and determining the best strategies for achieving growth. One way to approach this task is to focus on two key metrics: the total number of clients and the revenue per client. By setting goals for these two numbers, businesses can create a foundation for measuring revenue growth and determine where to direct their sales and marketing efforts.

To start, it's essential to calculate your current total number of clients and revenue per client. This information can be obtained by dividing your total revenue by the number of clients. From there, you can set goals for each of these two numbers. For example, you might aim to increase the total number of clients by a certain percentage, such as 10%, or increase the revenue per client by offering new products or services to your current customer base.

Once you have established your revenue growth goals, it's important to develop a plan to achieve them. This might involve identifying new ways to attract net-new clients, such as through targeted marketing campaigns or partnerships, or improving your client experience to drive more revenue per client. For example, you might invest in customer service training or implement new technologies to streamline processes and enhance the overall client experience.

In addition to these strategies, there are several other factors that can impact revenue growth and should be taken into consideration when setting goals. These include economic conditions, competition, and changes in consumer demand. By keeping these factors in mind, businesses can create realistic and achievable revenue growth goals that align with their overall business objectives.

It's also worth noting that setting revenue growth goals is just the first step. To truly drive growth, businesses must have a clear plan in place to achieve those goals. This might involve allocating resources, implementing new technologies, or adjusting business strategies as needed. By consistently tracking progress and adjusting course as needed, businesses can stay on track to achieve their revenue growth goals and drive long-term success.

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Darrell Amy

Darrell helps generous entrepreneurs build engines to grow revenue so they can give more. He is the author of Revenue Growth Engine: How To Align Sales & Marketing To Accelerate Growth. In addition to serving as a Forbes Business Council Advisor, Darrell is a keynote speaker and regular podcaster.

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